January 11, 2010

ikea & scotts

Don't try to do Ikea & Scott's in one day....It's tough. Good exercise though. We hit Ikea first, then went by Scott's on the way home. Could not go to two places that are more opposite. Ikea is shiny, new, and mod, while Scott's is, well... old, antique, and definitely not mod.

After spending approximately 3 hours of my life in Ikea, I have decided we need the Henriksdal dining chairs. They are so comfortable {for a dining room chair}. They have white covers that velcro under the seat. They would also be perfect for a short, custom, skirted slipcover. They definitely aren't too bad for $59! The legs come in different finishes, but I would most likely paint them anyway.

One or two little finds of the day. Cute horse cake pans. They now reside in our kitchen. If your birthday is coming up, you may get a horse cake.
The best impulse buy. Note to retailers~put tons of stuff by check-out line. I couldn't resist these kitchen dish towels. I only splurged and bought 2. They were a whopping $.49.
I am sad to say we came home empty handed from Scott's. It's just so overwhelming!
Hope your weekend was great! It was frigid here. Today it's a little better. Ready for our normal Georgia weather to return. I did make my first table skirt yesterday, will post pics on that soon.


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