August 12, 2009

charles, sarah, julie, & julia

In the past few days, I have noticed other bloggers talking about the new movie, Julie & Julia. To be honest, I didn't have the desire to run out and see it. Charles usually wants to go to the movie theater more than I do. I think I have mentioned our spending freeze before? Anyway, last night we decided to treat ourselves on a little date since we have been so good about eating at home. First, we had sushi at Griffin's new Japanese restaurant. Then, we cruised by the fabulous (JK) Griffin movie theater to see what was on. Sadly, the options were bad. The only movie we would consider was Julie & Julia. All of the sudden when the movie started, I remembered it was based on bloggging! The excitement started to set in, I thought "maybe I will learn something!" I have had this blog online for awhile, but I am still really new to posting and keeping up with it. Charles and I both liked the movie. I think there were times he was ready for it to speed up, but I enjoyed every minute. I give it a 2 paws up!


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